🛠Modify Recipes
CraftTweaker Recommended
Use the power of CraftTweaker and ZenScript to take full control of recipes. MrCrayfish's Furntiure Mod: Refurbished comes with full CraftTweaker integration into all custom recipe types, allowing you to easily add, modify, and remove recipes.
The vanilla method of adding and modifying recipes. Allows you to quickly get started adding and modifying recipes in MrCrayfish's Furntiure Mod: Refurbished. This is a good method if you're only looking to make a few additions/changes.
📦 Create an Addon
Java Advanced
Expand on the developer friendly base of MrCrayfish's Furntiure Mod: Refurbished. Learn how to code blocks that are compatible with the electricity system, develop new applications for the Computer, or add more channels to the Television.